On purpose & wide open, let’s encourage each other to LOOK for opportunities to be more mindful, express compassions & gratitude.
Dive deep! Compassion & gratitude go both ways… towards yourself & towards others.
1) For self ~ take a few moments every day to appreciate YOU. We all need gentle reminders to nurture our inner self (and inner child).
2) For others ~ help, initiate, reach out ~ it feels so good to be remembered and have a sense of belonging! That’s the purpose of community. Whether it’s neighborhood, church, or family, that familiar thread offers the necessary comfort & support to move through challenges.
Compassion for self & others helps us connect in more meaningful ways. I need you & you need me. We are in this together!
Bite-Sized is Better!
It’s so important to remind ourselves to take life one day at a time with the simple phrase:
“this too shall pass”.
Dive deep! When the going gets tough…let’s be kind to ourselves but also fierce about guarding & encouraging our hearts.
1) Take a moment and shift your focus to something you CAN control. One question I often ask myself is “how can I make today meaningful or productive?”. I find this question redirects my mindset towards possibility and away from worry and fear.
Dear friends, thank you for taking the time to read the Pivot YOU series &
for hanging with me here! I’m with you in spirit!
In peace, safety & well-being,